This past weekend, advocates for early childhood literacy across the State of New York joined forces in Albany to empower and educate communities of color and bring their bold visions to life at the 54th annual New York State Association of Black and Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislators (NYSABPRHAL). LINC was there, actively galvanizing support for early literacy programs. LINC's goal was to inspire attendees to join the movement for a New York where every family has the opportunity to access early literacy programs that will prepare children to be eager and ready to read when they start school.
On Saturday, February 15, LINC’s Chief Program Officer, Laura Walsh, proudly participated in a panel entitled Literacy Without Limits: A Bold Vision for Early Childhood Education, drawing upon data-driven solutions, actionable strategies, and the collective power of partnerships, to inspire an investment in equity and justice.
So honored to present on a panel this weekend at the NYSABPRHAL Caucus with my incredible changemaker colleagues: Naomi Peña (Literacy Academy Collective), Ingrid Matias Chungata (Nuestros Niños), Kari Kurjiaki (Reach Out and Read), and Reyes Claudio (Brilla Charter Schools). We shared a bold vision for the future of our communities by investing in our children's literacy journey.
A special thank you to our amazing sponsors, Assemblymember George Alvarez, Assemblymember Manny De Los Santos, and Assemblymember Yudelka Tapia, for your commitment to education, and to our incredible moderator and champion, Victor Pichardo, Jr.
Together, we are unstoppable!
--Laura Walsh, Chief Programs Officer, LINC
For more information about LINC's upcoming programs, please contact Laura Walsh at lwalsh@lincnyc.org and visit us at www.lincnyc.org.
