I like the ocean
I like the sea
I like the water
splashing on me.
Alayna Brijlal lights up as she finishes reading her sight words before bedtime. Sight words are rhythmic and fun, and literacy leaders love them because they build speed and fluency, increasing reading comprehension.
Alayna is one of three children in a South Jamaica family that is dedicated to raising little readers and is seeing soaring results. She is 3 years old and she started attending LINC programs at the age of 1. In that short time, her reading ability has improved dramatically and she is thriving in school now.
Her brother Ryan is 6 years old and he is reading above grade level. He’s been attending LINC virtual programs since he was 4 years old.
Last but not least, Anaiya is their 8 month old sister, a true LINC baby. She regularly attends our virtual Toddler, Tales and Tunes program.
These siblings love to read by themselves, with their parents, and with each other. Their reading routines at home are preparing them for success in school and in life.
“Reading has always been fun, a learning passport in my family. It's a time where my family can come together to spend quality time and also learn and teach each other. Ryan, my little smarty pants, Alayna, my little bookworm and Anaiya, my little observer. I am beyond grateful to be part of the LINC family, as they have taught me a lot over the past year, from learning to connect with my little ones to having patience and noticing behavioral changes. They have encouraged me to make reading playful and knowledgeable. All these workshops and classes have been beneficial to both myself and my children.” – Mrs. Aneesa Brijlal
Families like the Brijlals fuel our work at LINC. They bring us joy and increase our enthusiasm for LINC’s mission: “The Brijlal family is a big inspiration to the South Jamaica staff. Mrs. Aneesa Brijlal regularly advocates for our community and encourages other families to participate in LINC programs.” – Reishmi Brijmohan, Queens Family Engagement Specialist
Join us in celebrating their family’s growth and spread the word to the little readers in your community.
To register for LINC’s latest programs visit, www.lincnyc.org/onlineprograms.
